Art & Bronze-Artist & Designer, inspired by nature
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Bowls, plates and sculptures
inspired by nature,
Sanne creates leaves and
vegetables in bronze.
All art is useless, Oscar Wilde once wrote, Yet Sanne Bernhart thoroughly disagrees. Art has a function. It is a statement, a memory, an indictment, a decoration, a witness, a provocation, a pampering. But at the same time it is a coat rack, a lamp, a bottle opener, a cookie tin or a bowl. Every creation has it in itself to be art. Art is what you get when you say: WOW, nothing more nothing less.
Functional Art is what Sanne makes. A work of art which you automatically want to use. Tot give it a purpose, but then with the WOW factor. A WOW fruit bowl a WOW lamp or just a thing with a WOW as decoration.
In everything Sanne Bernhart does, she asks herself: “is it, is it going to be, or can it become a WOW?” That is how she bought her first pieces of art herself. And that’s how she makes her own art. It deserves to participate in the life of the happy owner. That’s the WOW Sanne Bernhart is looking for.
Bowls, plates and sculptures inspired by nature
Everything in nature has one purpose; reproduction. And then, somewhere halfway, men comes. With scissors, axes and knives. Chop and everything has changed. Cutting, cooking, eating. And when hunger is satisfied, it’s time for art. Cutting, casting, bronze. The evolution immortalized.
“I still remember her first piece of work; modest, careful, a bowl because ‘art can also have a function’.
And then there is l’Eve, wow. Each leaf handmade. No function other than being beautiful, stunning even.”
Martin de Munnik,
“Review coming soon”
De kunst van Sanne is simpel en complex tegelijk. Simpel omdat het alledaagse dingen zijn, groente en fruit, maar in het brons met zoveel detail weer gegeven dat je de complexiteit dan pas gaat zien. Wij hebben een prachtig rabarberblad aan de muur hangen. Groot en zwaar, maar zoals het daar hangt lijkt het licht en fijn.
Dat is misschien wel het bijzondere van Sanne’s kunst. Ze laat ons, door haar ogen, de mooie details zien waar we anders gewoon aan voorbij gaan…
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